I am you and you are me
School for Poetic Computation: Code Soceities

Project description at Westbeth Art Gallery. West Village, NYC

A machine that computes information, such as the one you are using to read this, is a digital extension of one’s self. This computer holds information that is personal and unique, including my date of birth and time of day. I fed my computer daily horoscope notifications from the Co-Star App to create Folder Poetry. 
Each Folder Poem contains one file or multiple at the end of their structure. Some poems use machine learning text generation and some come from my raw mind. They all tell the stories behind my experiences at Code Societies during the intensive course in January of 2020.

High level directory of folder poetry.

Exhibit at Westbeth Art Gallery. West Village, NYC

A machine that computes information, such as this one, is a digital extension of one’s self. This computer holds information that is personal and unique, including my date of birth. 
This computer is fed with notifications of my daily horoscope from the Co-Star App to create Folder Poetry, which is “the practice of using the structure of computer folder organization as a new kind of poetic form like a haiku or iambic pentameter. By naming and nesting folders and files, we can create unfolding narratives, rhythmic prose, and choose-your-own-adventure poetry.”(Hoff, Melanie) 
Each Folder Poem contains one file or multiple at the end of their structure. Some poems use machine learning text generation and some come from my raw mind. They all tell the stories behind my experiences at Code Societies.
Two days before code societies started, I decided to take screenshots of my co-star app notifications. Soon after I started taking consciousness of it as an oracle. So I decided to write folder poetry with those daily notifications.
As the program progressed, I decided to take photos of my notes and connected the co-star notifications with my thoughts and feelings during the Code Societies program.
Then I came to realize that extending the meaning of astrology and its impact on myself would be very playful so I decided to use Talk to Transformer, which uses Open AI’s machine learning model to generate text.
See below for samples of a folder poem.

Call up the more practical aspects of your nature so that you can take calculated steps toward your goals.

Auto-generated text calculating age in emojis.

Demo of adventuring into Folder Poetry

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